Saturday, 2 May 2015

Head Hunters in India



We head hunters in Bangalore Secretary Services Inspect a lots into a candidates LinkedIn or a Naukri profiles on whether the candidate is contingency for work or just open to new Challenges while taking  some time processing the profile and will connect only if the Profile is complete and clear.

Resume Rules Apply

Working Professionals treat LinkedIn as an online resume more than a face Book Profile and it is just fortuitous that these same people have loathsome LinkedIn profiles. On an assumption if your profile page in LinkedIn is fragmentary,inadequate or have insufficient work experiences and a complete curtailment of job descriptions and abridgment of  details in  a profile  or even absence of a picture and If they fail to present themselves in a well presented codification manner and LinkedIn is the only hippodrome or a coliseum every modern employer is almost warranted to check and well that could mean unscholarliness or amateurish for any Incomplete profile in a site like LinkedIn.

If a Position is been searched by the recruiter or a head hunter the recruiter clearly sees the following in your resume.


Portray and characterize yourself in LinkedIn as specifically and as accurately as possible
Think of your LinkedIn profile not as just an online resume like in Portals like Naukri and Monter India but as an announcement ,endorsement or a propaganda about your self.

There is lots of differences in applying tags in your LinkedIn profile and for example SEO specialist is different from on a social media Marketing guy or a HR Recruiter is different from a IT Specialist Recruiter.

Request Recommendations

A recommendation is a good way to establish that everything on your profile isn't a complete concoction,figment fiction or hogwash If you work directly with vendors then you may take it upon themselves to recommend the work you've done but in any other situation you may have to request your senior colleagues or former boss to write a recommendation on your wall to prove the genuineness and some times it can be a weird question to ask a boss. 

If for what so ever reason you are not in LinkedIn  or fail to update the necessary Information or feel LinkedIn can be sourced by any person or can Invade your Privacy and  other alternative ways to keep in touch with the Head hunters or Recruiters is  Mail and Phone contacts.

Remember points to be noted on Mails sent to a recruiter or a head hunting concern.

Never send Mass Mails to all ( BCC Marked Mails )
Address the recruiter by Name.
Subject matter to be clear on the expectations

For Example

27+ years experience in Manufacturing, Service Industries & Project Management  in  Auto Mobile Sector.
An application for the post of export/logistic/office Management
Monster - Front Office Receptionist (Refcode: 26102013) 

A covering letter to the Recruiter or the head hunter stating clearly the below points.

Current CTC
Expected CTC
Notice Period
Willingness to Relocate
Position Applying for.
For most of the Profiles we see in LinkedIn we see Just a routine Profile or Resume attached version of Naukri and Monster India type Profiles and If any Candidate is Social media Savvy and understand the Effect of LinkedIn in his career growth will ensure the above listed methods are applied to his profile in LinkedIn and can surely be connected to the best in his line of activity.

If you're working Professional and need help staying connected to your industry, get in touch with us at 

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